
my-sites-ide came from 8 years working knowledge of continuous integration and deployments using Jenkins, Travis or github actions; from all this knowledge and experience a new approach to developing websites was created.

The IDE itself shows off the simplicity of docker and it's ideal suitability for local development work. Docker really is a like a box of lego, because you can swap out any part, or change base image versions easily.

Master images are created when you first install the product, resulting in low overhead and maximum portability of your work.

The beauty of `my-sites-ide` is that it is very easy to spin up as many new development environments as you need. Bootstrapping a new or existing project will install a thin `_mysites` folder and a docker-compose.yml in the site root.

When you `spark` your project into life, new containers are created from the master image and destroyed after use. Files, data, sessions and configurations are persisted between sessions.

This boiler template approach to docker, mirrored by tailored terminal commands; help you interact seamlessly with the running containers... it feels like an extension of your right arm.

What's more with each new project that is linked to a github repository (public or private) a new continuous deployment pipeline will be created automatically for you.

That's why our strap line is:

A dev-ops toolkit, that enables you to create new development environments on the fly, and hook up Continuous Deployment/ Integration processes easily.


  • Super lightweight master images weigh 2gb - containers are very light
  • Super quick < 80ms response times are possible
  • Built in editor Open source php editor, no more costly subscriptions
  • Choice of LAMP/ LEMP stacks with seamless switching Log into the admin via apache (8080), switch ports (8081) and you are still logged in
  • Apache/ Nginx vhosts and server logs available on host No more logging into a server, to make configuration changes or to check logs
  • Easy container commands including restart services, export dbs, create sites
  • Continuous deployment as standard Rest assured that the application you develop locally, is the same when run in a github actions environment
  • Access database through phpmyadmin or host GUI
  • Perfect sandboxes, spin up, break, destroy These things are smell resistent... if it gets to smelly just destroy
  • Extendable, add remove the services that you want don't need the editor, fine strip it out. Dont want php7.3 fine go for php5.6